14. Dr. Tanya English

The Iowa Idea: Dr. Tanya English

Healing with the Blues.

In this episode of The Iowa Idea Podcast, I sit down with Dr. Tanya English who is a healer and blues singer, based in Iowa. Tanya brings her dynamic “infotainment” approach to help people access healing through the blues.

I appreciated Tanya taking the time to join me on the podcast.  In addition to her approach and desire to help people heal, I enjoyed her dropping a few bars of beautiful blues singing during our conversation. I was intrigued by Tanya’s quote when you “put your attention on the intention, there’s no tension.” From a design perspective, I appreciated Tanya discussing her mentor’s advice to welcome limitations, because limitations can spark creativity and the importance of not letting your ego drive and why it’s important “to have fun like you’re seven-years-old.”

I’d like to thank Tanya for joining me for this discussion. I hope you enjoy the episode.

About Tanya

Dr. Tanya English brings dynamic “infotainment” in how blues music can heal and immerses participants in the history of the blues. This sets the stage to experience healing in the moment.

From Dr. English’s marketing materials:

“Through blues music and 1 to 1 transformational healing allow yourself to experience elevating your vibration from old buried negative experiences and traumas that have created subconscious patterns like unfulfilling relationships, selling yourself short and constant negative self-talk to being able to receive the joy and blessing hidden, until now, that are in them.

You will experience true healing and learn self-care that identifies your past subconscious emotions that are running your body/mind/spirt. We then bring you into harmony with present time by releasing the past and empowering the present painlessly, easily and quickly. You will then be able to take the energetic self-care that you may have been missing. We meet you where you are, give you the support and tools you need to make good habits routine without self-sabotage.”

Tanya’s Facebook Page – https://www.facebook.com/healingwiththeblueswithdrtanyaenglish

Tanya’s Website – https://quantumhealinginternational.com/


Episode produce by Spark Consulting Group (www.inspiredbyspark.com) in Iowa City, with support from Executive Podcast Solutions (https://www.executivepodcastsolutions.com/)

The Iowa Idea Podcast music written and performed by Paisley Bible.